The founders constitute, for the administration of research and education, an institute of Fulmina Foundation (F.H.R.).

This institute is responsible for bringing together the international human resources made available to humanity for research, teaching, development, humanitarian work and various situations requiring this knowledge for intervention by Fulmina Foundation in the following sectors: science, medicine, culture, education, environment, agriculture, social, life.

The foundation offers the means to bring together human resources and to organize, for joint action, the multiple actors and factors of global evolution that make up the wisdom of nations and the knowledge of humanity. These actors constitute the wisdom of nations and the knowledge of humanity, stressing the importance accorded to life, to the right to evolution, to existence, to human dignity, to respect for others.

Considering that evolution resides in the goodness of being, and that everything that is the expression of goodness is a manifestation of what is true, just and beautiful, with the firm conviction and intention not to infringe the noble values of planetary humanism.

The foundation intends to bring together human resources, whether they are writers, poets, workers in all disciplines, artisans, scientists, engineers, painters, sculptors, architects, farmers, researchers, musicians; it intends to energize any useful initiative relating to the development and improvement of general and professional culture; it intends to develop information and notices, likely to interest general education and the awakening of planetary civic values ​​on all modern media of dissemination and communication. Fulmina Foundation intends to express its humanitarian vocation on a global scale with a unified, ecumenical and interfaith, supranational and apolitical intention.

The foundation intends to promote the Arts, Sciences, Letters and Professions for the purpose of technical and moral improvement, to renew the general human culture, to raise the level of individual consciences, to encourage the specific progress of peoples, societies and nations, to develop in each one the concepts of the Beautiful, the Good, the True, the Just, the Useful and the Pleasant, to pursue a quest for wisdom in connection with imperishable, eternal and universal values, to arouse healthy emulation in artistic creation, scientific research, philosophical speculation, metaphysical reflection, meditation on the imperishable values ​​of existence.

The foundation intends to promote cultural, literary, artistic, scientific, philosophical and religious exchanges, with the noble intention of promoting the fraternity of nations and peoples.

The foundation intends to fight against all forms of planetary injustice, because injustice is the mother of all violence; it intends to support all projects going in the direction of the preceding formulations, that is to say affecting the various fields of Science, Medicine, Culture, Education, Environment, Agriculture , Industry, Social, Life and everything that contributes to creative development and the protection of nature.