Life (the Development of ): Existence as a Criterion of Action

Life is a concept

Life is a concept that encompasses various levels of reality, namely: the set of phenomena that affects changes in the shape of organisms (functions of nutrition, reproduction, regeneration, etc…), the intelligent vital power standing behind the appearances of all material forms (the conscious aspect that animates form), the existence of a supreme will, from which everything emanates and to which everything returns.


Biology is the science of living organisms (vegetable, animal and human kingdoms), primarily concerned with the form, aspect or appearance that life takes to express itself in a dense physical universe. It concerns the physical body of living beings. A living being is a physical form composed of various substances, capable of renewing itself.

Life seems to be in spontaneous activity

Life seems to be in spontaneous activity proper to organized beings, but it is in fact everywhere, in organic bodies as in inorganic bodies, in animate as well as apparently inanimate things.

For man, “living” means “being alive”

For man, “living” means “being alive” in its chemical meaning. The physical body of man is the vehicle of manifestation in the world of animal forms as well as vegetable and mineral. What differentiates the human kingdom from other kingdoms (animal, vegetable, minerals), is the state of consciousness of life that is manifesting itself. Life permits the existence of all forms and achieves its potential by life experience. Existence is the fact of living, of possessing a present reality within a given shape or appearance. Life grows by acting through the multitude of animate and inanimate forms. The presence of the principle of life in material forms is the criterion of its living activity.

Life is cyclical

Life is cyclical in its physical manifestations: the cycle of life is the length of time or space that intervenes between the birth of a being and its death (destruction). It represents the sum of the activities and events that characterize the history of life.

The life of man is unique

The life of man is unique; he is endowed with reason and a free will. It is structured by major events: conception, birth, development, experience, growth and death. Conception is the process by which the principle of life is embodied in the womb, as a result of the union of a spermatozoon and an ovule. Birth is the beginning of the existence of life outside the mother’s body.

The development of formal living

The development of formal living includes childhood, youth and adulthood, during which growth takes place in the physical and mental form and psychological aspects that are inherent to life. We know as growth the fact of increasing in size, increasing gradually until the mature stage of the physical form. Experience is the fact of existing in an adult form, making possible the expression of life in various ways to ensure the fulfillment of the living being. After which, the cycle of the existence of life in the physical form ends with death; that is to say, the destruction of physical form, which results in the liberation of the conscience and the spirit to travel on to another plane of existence. It seems logical to think that when death occurs, life is returning to where it was before it existed in the dense form. The universe is full of life. What is invisible is only so from a physical and human point of view. Within this universe there are several octaves of vibration of primordial light determining multiple states of being, substance and essence for things and beings.

Maturity is the age

Maturity is the age when man is able to generate his own offspring. Old age is the age of decline, preparation for death, the time for life is to leave the terrestrial habitat. Physical death occurs with the breaking of the cord of life that links the thinking principle to dense matter: it is the cessation of life in physical form, the stopping of dynamic features that ensured the existence and movement of being in a physical shape. In fact, it is more accurate to say that death is the withdrawal of the living being from its temporary carnal vehicle.

Life is a complex concept

Life is a complex concept that affects the aspects of matter, consciousness and spirit of things and beings; it undoubtedly has a temporal and timeless dimension. In its temporal aspect, it seems to be limited by the cycle of passing time. Time is the sequence of events in history, of stages of continuous experience, indefinite continuity of changes, constant movement and change of life expressed through a multitude of physical forms (evolution). Life also concerns the emotional, intellectual and spiritual sensitivity of man. In fact, it encompasses all the dynamics of existence in many fields of activity, ranging from the atom to the blade of grass, to the star and to the galaxies. Thus, we can speak of the life of societies, countries, stars, galaxies and up to creation in its infinite forms.

When we talk about life

When we talk about life within the infinite creation, we reach an area that goes beyond the simple limited framework of understanding human mentality: it is the initial center-source of all existence, whose nature is the primary cause of all the phenomena of the created world in its finitude.

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