Medicine: Art of preserving and restoring human health

Medicine is commonly accepted as

Medicine is commonly accepted as the art of healing and alleviating human or animal suffering. It is an art whose practice evolves according to the progress of science. It is therefore based on Science. Arguably it is to the preservation or maintenance of the human or animal form and the restoration of health. It strives to prevent and treat the ailments and diseases that affect mankind. It develops methods and techniques for treating diseases.

Medicine aims to preserve

Medicine aims to preserve the balance of human or animal health, to maintain, to keep it intact and to fight against all the factors and agents that may affect the integrity of physical, psychological, psychological and mental good health. Its objective is the fight against tampering and destruction of the human being’s way of life. It seeks to provide the necessary remedies to restore a broken balance, to restore what has been disrupted for many extremely varied reasons and causes. Its goal: to restore harmony, install recovery, and ensure delivery from both physical and mental ills. The return to health is the primary concern of Medicine.

Health is the natural condition

Health is the natural condition of any harmonized body. The loss of harmony of form is called disease. Thus, health is what is sound, physiologically, psychologically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Indeed, as a physical standpoint, good health is the physiological state of what is sound. A healthy body has a regular and harmonious functioning for a significant period of time. From a psychological and mental point of view, health is also a mental and psychic state of equilibrium. When the stable condition of the human personality is broken, disease – acute or chronic – ensues.

Being the art of healing

Being the art of healing, nursing and relieving pain and suffering, medicine is a corpus combining multiple knowledge, profound insight, skills, abilities, rules of action and means that could possibly obtain these results we have named: healing, relief, care, maintenance, preservation of form. Art therefore appeals to science, know-how, traditional techniques and even morality, ethics, metaphysics and spirituality.

Ideally, the goal of medicine

Ideally, the goal of medicine is to prevent diseases, to anticipate them, to prevent their advent by taking certain prophylactic precautions, and put in place hygienic provisions in order to avoid illness. Illness is what is contrary to the psychic balance and physical or mental harmony. Illness is naturally contrary or opposite to general health, which is in line with the general welfare of people or animals.

Medicine does not fulfill its fundamental role if

Medicine does not fulfill its fundamental role if it does not provide the ability to heal sicknesses, restore failing health and maintain the balance of human good health. The patient is the one who is suffering from this or that illness, the one whose body is disturbed and unbalanced. Illness is what causes pain, suffering, grief and misfortune: physically as well as morally.

To summarize

To summarize: Medicine is the set of all resources, techniques and methods to restore the broken balance of human nature. Maintaining and restoring the person within his intrinsic harmony are the two main objectives of any medicine worthy of the name. It can use in this regard a particular remedy and / or adequate treatment, the goal always being the physical and moral well-being of man. However, it is clear that the well-being of man has something to do with his individual and collective lifestyle; then, what emerges from culture and education in general, as well as the state of environmental conditions and the quality of alimentation, is social life and a degree of development of consciousness and human well-being.

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