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Born in 1961 in France, where he studied until finishing high school, he continued his education at renowned universities in the Northeastern United States to study Management Information Systems and Computer Science. He applied this knowledge to develop a concept of immersive live interactive art performance. He has produced and managed various innovative shows at that time.

Back in France in the late 1980s, he started teaching the emerging concept of multimedia user experience as a guest speaker at prestigious French Universities while running a small research and development company. Organizing cross-pollination visits between US, European, and Japanese research labs kept the company a breath of current research. Among many innovative projects, his company pioneered heterogeneous computer networks, CD ROM premastering, and some of France’s first Internet and Extranet websites. The company was also mandated to conceive a conceptual approach to navigating information for the New French Library. Navigating through information is an ongoing passion, and he looks forward to focusing on continuing his research at the Institute.

In the late 1990s, he returned to the US to lead the “info-diffusion” (intranet) of the 2002 Salt Lake Olympics, a benchmark reference in terms of IT delivery in the Olympic realm. For the last twenty years, he has been a digital transformation senior advisor to a few Fortune 500 companies Senior Executives and an entrepreneur, conceiving new concepts around timely access to curated information and leveraging expert systems for engineers to make more educated near real-time decisions. He has been developing approaches to facilitate cross-discipline brainstorming efforts to build such systems.

Recently, he went on a mission to guide midsize companies in organizing themselves to better protect their data and the data their clients entrust them with using the same techniques.

Philippe focuses on the human interaction side of technology to elevate one’s experience while leveraging the machine to further one’s thinking process.

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