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Jerzy Babkowski was born in Warsaw, Poland in 1955. He moved to Canada in 1961 to receive a “Western” education. Mr. Babkowski chose at an early age to immerse himself in practical real life education rather than follow the rigid academic educational regime in his 2nd year, but only after studying sufficient academic subjects inclusive of Sciences, Arts, Finance and History at the Simon Fraser University in British Columbia, Canada. He is self-taught in many disciplines, is an inventor, and was a briefly a member of Mensa.

Mr. Babkowski has over 35 years of experience in comprehensive independent project evaluation, effective negotiation, funding and execution; risk management; and agency, corporate, and industrial partnerships. His work in private investment, and profitable economic and humanitarian initiatives, has resulted in billions of dollars of fundings in cooperation with public/private entities and foreign governments.

Being a pioneer is several areas of the project funding discipline, Mr. Babkowski has been
pivotal in the macro economic decisions of multinational entities, including exotic finance methods, intelligence negotiations, alternative corporate strategy, and forecasting. He places great emphasis on the inclusion of competent leadership to establish or augment Boards of Directors, and develops corporate wide accountability systems.

Mr. Babkowski is the Managing Director of Base Group, an Investment Banking Consulting firm, and was an Associate of Desnoyers & Associates, Accountants, with 4 offices in Canada, 16 in US, and 2 in Asia, under which he held license to perform 3rd party independent valuations on start-up ventures. His work has been published, and his valuations have been used by reporting companies. He acts as the President of a 40+ year old family company: Victoria Engineering Limited, Civil/Structural Consulting Engineers and Architects, CEO/Protector of Keystone Kids Foundation, Chairman/Protector of DragonsHeart Humanitarian Trust Foundation, Overseer of Humanus Global Holding Foundation, and Chairman of various global corporations including USDF (United States Development Funding), Oriental Developments Limited, and other corporations and Trusts. He is the Oversight Trustee of a century old humanitarian Trust. HE Babkowski spends much of his time on Humanitarian Aid and Relief, and private banking.

His Humanitarian works are further supported by some of his inventions such as the Dragon Claw System, which is designed to perform cleanup of the world’s waters. The System cleans salt and freshwater of all toxins and pathogens at a rate of 20,000 liters per minute per pipe assembly, without heat or chemicals.

His network includes governments, executive of Fortune 100, manufacturing and marketing organizations, and various private individuals throughout the world. His work in humanitarian, economic development initiatives, public and investor relations has successfully resulted in multi-billion funding commitments.

Mr. Babkowski’s skill set includes: comprehensive project management, strategic planning and modeling, financial modeling, technology transfer, research and development, requirements analysis, critical path analysis, risk analysis, Business and Marketing Plan development and writing, Offering Memorandum and Prospectus development and writing, 3rd party independent valuations, feasibility studies, preparation and evaluation of reports and proposals, technology assessment, presentation delivery, financial services, negotiations with customers, suppliers, financiers, industrial partners and funding agencies.

Mr. Babkowski creates and cultivates profitable business opportunities through the timely application of appropriate technologies and aggressive business planning for the benefit of our Humanity.

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