Wind Energy, Radiophysics & Environment Friendly Settlements

Course program

Five plenary sessions are scheduled to be held next year on the following topics: Wind energy and wind power capabilities, radiophysics, including quantum radiophysics and the structure of environmentally friendly settlements.

The plenary sessions will be held external on-site for 7-8 working days.

Each plenary session consists of a lecture course and an analysis of illustrations, followed by discussion.

Lectures lasting 3 hours, analysis of illustrations 1.5-2 hours.

Plenary session: Wind Energy and its opportunities.
The first session is devoted to wind power capabilities, wind power plant designs, types of wind energy conversion and storage, and ways to use it.

1. Plenary session: Air and power plants.

Propellers and power plants based on them. Possibilities of forming air flow, design of blades and propellers based on them. Thrust and speed of manned and unmanned aerial vehicles. The efficiency of the propeller. Aircraft designs based on power plants.

2. Plenary session: Designs of manned and unmanned aerial vehicles.

Various designs of manned and unmanned aerial vehicles and their application in the national economy will be considered.

3. Plenary session: Radiophysics including quantum radiophysics and optics.

Radiophysical processes are considered by converting coherent laser radiation in optical waveguides and various types of holographic processes, including recording and restoring holograms. As well as issues related to the recording and restoration of holograms by radiation passed through optical waveguides. The theory of low-mode optical waveguides, their excitation, the mode composition of radiation and various types of its application in information theory are analyzed. The designs of various waveguide holographic installations and their information capabilities are considered.

4. Plenary session: the Structure of building environmentally friendly settlements.

Choice of place of residence and economic activity including lowland, forest, mountain and water settlements. Construction of various types of housing convenient for living, including the use of research in the field of sacred geometry. The types of transport accessibility of settlements are considered. The issues of autonomous energy supply, communication, creation of production for independent use and its implementation are analyzed. Issues of autonomous utilization of settlement products are being considered.

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